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Mjeri, crtaj, gradi!

The competition MEASURE, DRAW, BUILD! was held at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy, University of Mostar, on Friday, 12 April 2024. It was organized by members of the International Association of Civil Engineering Students IACES LC MOSTAR, the Student Union, and the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy, University of Mostar, and the competitors were students of the 3rd (third) and 4th (fourth) grades of the following secondary schools:

- Gymnasium Ljubuški,

- Secondary Civil Engineering School of Juraj Dalmatinac, Mostar,

- Secondary School dr. fra Slavko Barbarić, Čitluk,

- Secondary School "Ivan Goran Kovačić," Kiseljak,

- Gymnasium fra Grga Martić, Mostar,

- Secondary School, Kupres,

- Secondary Vocational School Fojnica in Kiseljak.

The competition started in the amphitheater where the competitors were welcomed, and the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy and the competition itself were presented. The moderator of this part of the program was Magdalena Drežnjak. The dean, Maja Prskalo, Ph.D., greeted the guests and presented the faculty. Katarina Šimunović, president of the Student Union of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy, presented the Student Union, while Maris Gardavski explained the rules of the competition and the tasks of which the competition consisted. 

The competition consisted of three tasks, architectural, geodetic and construction.

At the very end, the winners were announced and prizes were awarded.

Prizes for the first three places were won by: 

1. Secondary School dr. fra Slavko Barbarić, Čitluk,

2. Secondary Civil Engineering School of Juraj Dalmatinac, Mostar,

3. Gymnasium Ljubuški.


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